Spirit and Word Fellowship
Spirit and Word Fellowship
LIVING THE BEST LIFE POSSIBLEWelcome to Spirit and Word Fellowship
We are a church passionately pursing a loving God and helping people discover the freedom found in Jesus.
Spirit and Word Fellowship exists to reach the lost and perfect the saints. Both come from active faith in Christ. Faith comes from hearing and getting to know His Word.
Connect With This Week’s Message
At Spirit and Word Fellowship, we are a church that loves Jesus and wants to be a blessing to your family and help you live the abundant life that Jesus offers in the Bible. We offer Biblical teaching on faith, freedom from sin, and how to live a victorious life in Christ. We are a church that honors the Holy Spirit, wins souls, makes no apologies, and feels no guilt about believing the Bible. Come be part of a family that is a blessing to our local community and the nations.
Upcoming Events
Stay up-to-date with all our services and events.
Saturday Worship Service with Pastor Mike
Go deeper in your worship at the Saturday Worship Service on Saturday, February 15th!
State of the Church
State of the Church is coming up on Sunday, February 16th! This is a very important time as we take time as a family to discuss 2024 and what God […]
February Seasoned Saints Gathering
Have you joined our Seasoned Saints yet? If not- make plans to come to our February Gathering on Tuesday, February 18th!
February Country Breakfast
We love coming together for Country Breakfast each month! We can't wait to see you there!
Global Missions Banquet
We are so excited for our first Global Missions Banquet on Sunday, March 2nd! This will follow the AM service. There will also be a special offering and faith pledges […]