January SWF Ladies Gathering
January SWF Ladies Gathering
We are so excited for the first SWF Ladies Gathering of 2025! Mark your calendars for a fun night of fellowship and growing together!
We are so excited for the first SWF Ladies Gathering of 2025! Mark your calendars for a fun night of fellowship and growing together!
If you are a part of the SWF Safety Team, please make plans to be at this training!
We are so excited for our first Community Youth Group of the year! We can't wait to see you there!
We are so excited for our Soul-Winning Task Force. We will be going out into the city for street evangelism! If you are hungry to tell people about Jesus- this is for you! We can't wait to see you there!
Go deeper in your worship at the Saturday Worship Service on Saturday, February 15th!
State of the Church is coming up on Sunday, February 16th! This is a very important time as we take time as a family to discuss 2024 and what God has planned for 2025! If you are a member of Spirit and Word Fellowship, it is vital that you are in attendance!
Have you joined our Seasoned Saints yet? If not- make plans to come to our February Gathering on Tuesday, February 18th!
We love coming together for Country Breakfast each month! We can't wait to see you there!